What is yoga to you?

Yoga is exercise, hard work and dedication. Yoga is no laughing matter. I’ve been practicing* yoga for around 4 years now and I can see my progress. Improvements in balance, flexibility and strength. Yoga is a chance for me to sweat it all out, tone my muscles and feel genuinely good about myself. A day with yoga is a day that I’ve done something good for my body and mind.

* Yes, we practice yoga but we play basketball or go swimming. We are inherently imperfect due to the way we walk and sit but practicing yoga will perfect and heal our bodies


What is White Labelling x Pomo?

I signed up to go to a yoga staycation in Saikung in July this year. Everyone had to bring their own yoga mat and I brought mine. I really struggled with my mat during the retreat as I was doing my outdoor morning practice. The sun was hot and white in the typical Hong Kong summer heat, I was dripping in sweat and slipping through every downward facing dog and arm balance pose. To make things worse, the cooling breezes from Hebe Haven left my mat flapping in the wind like the canvas roof of a cha caan teng during a typhoon.

I’m not blaming the mat…or maybe just partially. But I knew at that point, I needed a mat that was sturdy, grippy and wouldn’t let me (fall) down.

White Labelling is my friend’s yoga mat business. They are eco-friendly, non-slip and soft. They were everything I needed in a yoga mat to take my practice to the next level. The mats also came in beautiful prints and designs. They are beautiful, truly. But they weren’t really me. She encouraged me to customise the yoga mats and so I did something with my mother’s art and the rest is history.


If I don’t do yoga, should I get one?

True to the spirit of these yoga mats, you shouldn’t get one if you won’t enjoy it. These mats will stand the test of time, and it wouldn’t be good for your home or the earth to buy something that you don’t love. That being said, these mats are incredibly versatile. They make great picnic mats because they are so easy to clean, you can use them for other types of exercise, as a statement piece for your floor to brighten up your living room or based on a true testimonial, apparently, to take afternoon naps on.

My yoga mat makes my (and my dog’s) day. If it makes your day or encourages you to do more yoga, I say let it become your next yoga buddy.